Guns ‘n’ Rosés


Join us at Bottlerocket on Thursday night for a truly rock’n’roll tasting! As part of their “Get Some” singles night events, the Flatiron wine store is hosting an evening of rosé wines and Nerf Gun practice set to an all-Guns ‘n’ Roses playlist! So if you’ve ever had the urge to drink Lini Rosé while listening to Axl’s scratchy yelp, now’s your chance!

Guns ‘n’ Rosés
Thursday, August 13
5 West 19th Street
New York, NY 10011

2 Responses to “Guns ‘n’ Rosés”

  1. Michele Flournoy Says:

    Wow!, Now that is an intense bottle of Lambrusco. When does Lini arrive to Peru?

  2. Vino NYC Says:

    Aha, Michele! Glad you appreciate my poster-making efforts. As I’m sure you can imagine it is the highlight of my job. As for Lini in Peru, maybe I can convince Alicia to hop a flight down to Lima while she’s this side of the Atlantic…

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